Monday, November 16, 2009

Miss America

Miss America 2009 - Katy Stam
and Me ... Misscellaneous
We have one thing in common - we both have the same clothing sponsor - Joseph Ribkoff. (The best clothes in the world!) I met Katy at the Joseph Ribkoff showroom as people flooded in to meet her. She is beautiful, humble and funny! (what a perfect combination) She is a small town girl from Seymour, Indiana with a voice that matches her beauty.

The most precious story is of how her sister won the local hometown fair beauty pageant, which basically made her parents royalty in their hometown, more so than when she was crown Miss America. Anyone from a small town can relate.

We love you Katy Stam - you are a role-model for all women - young and old(er).
And Joseph Ribkoff - we love you too - you make all women look beautiful - young and old(er).

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